Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocab #4

  • Accolade- a honor or award/ praise; For wrestlers the highest accolade is being a national champion.
  • Acerbity- harshness of severity, with regards to temper; He acted out in acerbity after being dumped.
  • Attrition- decrease in numbers, size, or strength but can also be wearing down; Our wrestling faced severe attrition after graduating 12 varsity members.
  • Bromide- dull or boring person; Most lectures in math are filled with bromide?
  • Chauvinist- person who believes one gender is superior to the other; Men were looked at as chauvinists before women gained equal rights.
  • Chronic- constant and habitual; At the age of 70 most people have some sort of chronic pain.
  • Expound- to explain, to state in detail; In gov't i had to expound the entire meaning of the constitution.
  • Factionalism- factional dissension; The church has had a lot of factionalism through out the years of existence. 
  • Immaculate- someone free from sin, w/o and pure of sin; Jesus was a prime example of someone who was immaculate. 
  • Imprecation- a curse, calling for evil; One imprecation can be wishing for an ex to be harmed. 
  • Ineluctable- certain, inevitable; The sun rising or my grandma cooking are both things that are ineluctable.
  • Mercurial- eloquent, quick, shrewd; Daniel Rucker was very mercurial when answering chemistry answers.
  • Palliate- to make something less painful or unpleasant; Advil helps palliate pain with many different ingredients. 
  • Protocol- standard procedure, rules/regulations; There's strict protocol when working with fire and gasoline.
  • Resplendent- dazzling, full of splendor; The diamond on her hand was resplendent and looked like it could weigh her hand down.
  • Stigmatize- to make something seem bad; To me sex seems to be stigmatized . 
  • Sub Rosa- secretly, privately, confidential; The gov't acts in a sub rosa way keeping things on the hush hush.
  • Vainglory- extreme pride and excessive vanity; Kim Kardashian seems like she is filled with vainglory.
  • Vestige- a trace of something that once existed; Dinosaur bones are vestiges of the great creatures that once roamed.
  • Volition- using will to make a conscious decision; Did you make that decision out of your volition?

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