Saturday, September 14, 2013

Beowulf Essay

  Courage and excellence are two things that are demanded from the people who defend our land. Beowulf is the poster child for the Norse in regards to protecting them but he does it for glory and recognition. Our country is guarded by average americans who mainly volunteer their services to defend our liberties with out any fame. Although both do their duties for different purposes they stand up to "evil forces" for the same reasons. 
  When Beowulf first heard about Grendel terrorizing the townspeople of Herot he doesn't think about helping them but rather how much glory this could bring him. That's the opposite view of a modern soldier, their first thought is for the general welfare of the people. Nevertheless both go out into dangers way to stop "terrorists" and occasionally reaping the benefits. Beowulf died a king but was not satisfied which killed him. Once in a while you'll hear about a soldier in the news that save someone so they get a medal but that's it. But both of the "soldiers" go out into unknown places to seek out the villains; Beowulf heads to an enchanted lake and soldiers head into foreign countries to protect the indigenous people. 
  When a warrior dies they both receive a memorial at their funeral. Beowulf is killed in action and has a huge monument built in his honor along with his kinsmen speaking highly about him at a memorial. Today in our culture when a soldier dies, in action or after his tour, they receive a memorial at their funeral procession where other soldiers salute their fallen comrade. 
  Beowulf was the symbol for what the Norse people looked up to but he also had traits that were not highly regarded by the people as well. Beowulf was what every child wanted to be : cunning, handsome, courageous and witty. But Beowulf had tragic flaws such as greed and his hubris. His excessive pride and intense desire for more got him killed. A modern day soldier is praised by many and disregarded by some as well. They do things that most people aren't willing to do but are called murders for it at the same time. Both of these "heroes" are praised but face scrutiny for different reasons. 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocab #4

  • Accolade- a honor or award/ praise; For wrestlers the highest accolade is being a national champion.
  • Acerbity- harshness of severity, with regards to temper; He acted out in acerbity after being dumped.
  • Attrition- decrease in numbers, size, or strength but can also be wearing down; Our wrestling faced severe attrition after graduating 12 varsity members.
  • Bromide- dull or boring person; Most lectures in math are filled with bromide?
  • Chauvinist- person who believes one gender is superior to the other; Men were looked at as chauvinists before women gained equal rights.
  • Chronic- constant and habitual; At the age of 70 most people have some sort of chronic pain.
  • Expound- to explain, to state in detail; In gov't i had to expound the entire meaning of the constitution.
  • Factionalism- factional dissension; The church has had a lot of factionalism through out the years of existence. 
  • Immaculate- someone free from sin, w/o and pure of sin; Jesus was a prime example of someone who was immaculate. 
  • Imprecation- a curse, calling for evil; One imprecation can be wishing for an ex to be harmed. 
  • Ineluctable- certain, inevitable; The sun rising or my grandma cooking are both things that are ineluctable.
  • Mercurial- eloquent, quick, shrewd; Daniel Rucker was very mercurial when answering chemistry answers.
  • Palliate- to make something less painful or unpleasant; Advil helps palliate pain with many different ingredients. 
  • Protocol- standard procedure, rules/regulations; There's strict protocol when working with fire and gasoline.
  • Resplendent- dazzling, full of splendor; The diamond on her hand was resplendent and looked like it could weigh her hand down.
  • Stigmatize- to make something seem bad; To me sex seems to be stigmatized . 
  • Sub Rosa- secretly, privately, confidential; The gov't acts in a sub rosa way keeping things on the hush hush.
  • Vainglory- extreme pride and excessive vanity; Kim Kardashian seems like she is filled with vainglory.
  • Vestige- a trace of something that once existed; Dinosaur bones are vestiges of the great creatures that once roamed.
  • Volition- using will to make a conscious decision; Did you make that decision out of your volition?

Monday, September 2, 2013

Invisible Man- Ralph Ellison

I chose this novel because I have heard some interesting things about the story both good and bad so I wanted to see for myself. So far I am not disappointed at all. It has turned out to be a great story.